=== BackUpWordPress === Contributors: humanmade, joehoyle, mattheu, tcrsavage, willmot Tags: back up, backup, backups, database, zip, db, files, archive, wp-cli, humanmade Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 3.3 Stable tag: 1.6.6 Simple automated back ups of your WordPress powered website. == Description == BackUpWordPress will back up your entire site including your database and all your files once every day. = Features = * Super simple to use, no setup required. * Uses `zip` and `mysqldump` for faster back ups if they are available. * Works in low memory, "shared host" environments. * Option to have each backup file emailed to you. * Works on Linux & Windows Server. * Exclude files and folders from your back ups. * Control advanced settings by defining any of the optional `Constants`. * Good support should you need help. * (Partial) Spanish & Russian translations. = Help develop this plugin = The BackUpWordPress plugin is hosted github, if you want to help out with development or testing then head over to https://github.com/humanmade/backupwordpress/. We'd also love help translating the plugin into more languages, if you can help then please contact support@humanmade.co.uk or send us a pull request. == Installation == 1. Install BackUpWordPress either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server. 2. Activate the plugin. 3. Sit back and relax safe in the knowledge that your whole site will be backed up every day. The plugin will try to use the `mysqldump` and `zip` commands via shell if they are available, using these will greatly improve the time it takes to back up your site. == Frequently Asked Questions == **Where does BackUpWordPress store the backup files?** Backups are stored on your server in `/wp-content/backups`, you can change the directory. **Important:** By default BackUpWordPress backs up everything in your site root as well as your database, this includes any non WordPress folders that happen to be in your site root. This does means that your backup directory can get quite large. **How do I restore my site from a backup?** You need to download the latest backup file either by clicking download on the backups page or via `FTP`. `Unzip` the files and upload all the files to your server overwriting your site. You can then import the database using your hosts database management tool (likely `phpMyAdmin`). See this post for more details http://hmn.md/backupwordpress/ **Does BackUpWordPress back up the backups directory?** No. **I'm not receiving my backups by email** Most servers have a filesize limit on email attachments, it's generally about 10mb. If your backup file is over that limit it won't be sent attached to the email, instead you should receive an email with a link to download the backup, if you aren't even receiving that then you likely have a mail issue on your server that you'll need to contact your host about. **How many backups are stored by default?** BackUpWordPress stores the last 10 backups by default. **How long should a backup take?** Unless your site is very large (many gigabytes) it should only take a few minutes to perform a back up, if your back up has been running for longer than an hour it's safe to assume that something has gone wrong, try de-activating and re-activating the plugin, if it keeps happening, contact support. **What do I do if I get the wp-cron error message** The issue is that your `wp-cron.php` is not returning a `200` response when hit with a http request originating from your own server, it could be several things, most of the time it's an issue with the server / site and not with BackUpWordPress. Some things you can test are. * Are scheduled posts working? (They use wp-cron too). * Are you hosted on Heart Internet? (wp-cron is known not to work with them). * If you click manual backup does it work? * Try adding `define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true ); to your `wp-config.php`, do automatic backups work? * Is your site private (I.E. is it behind some kind of authentication, maintenance plugin, .htaccess) if so wp-cron won't work until you remove it, if you are and you temporarily remove the authentication, do backups start working? If you have tried all these then feel free to contact support. **Further Support & Feedbask** General support questions should be posted in the WordPress support forums, tagged with backupwordpress. For development issues, feature requests or anybody wishing to help out with development checkout BackUpWordPress on GitHub. You can also tweet @humanmadeltd or email support@humanmade.co.uk for further help/support. == Screenshots == 1. Simple Automated Backups == Changelog == #### 1.6.6 * Fix backup path issue with case sensitive filesystems. #### 1.6.5 * Fix an issue with emailing backups that could cause the backup file to not be attached. * Fix an issue that could cause the backup to be marked as running for ever if emailing the backup `FATAL` error'd. * Never show the running backup in the list of backups. * Show an error backup email failed to send. * Fix possible notice when deleting a backup file which doesn't exist. * Fix possible notice on older versions of `PHP` which don't define `E_DEPRECATED`. * Make `HMBKP_SECURE_KEY` override-able. * BackUpWordPress should now work when `ABSPATH` is `/`. #### 1.6.4 * Don't show warning message as they cause to much panic. * Move previous methods errors to warnings in fallback methods. * Wrap `.htaccess` rewrite rules in if `mod_rewrite` check. * Add link to new restore help article to FAQ. * Fix issue that could cause "not using latest stable version" message to show when you were in-fact using the latest version. * Bug fix in `zip command` check that could cause an incorrect `zip` path to be used. * Detect and pass `MySQL` port to `mysqldump`. #### 1.6.3 * Don't fail archive verification for errors in previous archive methods. * Improved detection of the `zip` and `mysqldump` commands. * Fix issues when `ABSPATH` is `/`. * Remove reliance on `SECURE_AUTH_KEY` as it's often not defined. * Use `warning()` not `error()` for issues reported by `zip`, `ZipArchive` & `PclZip`. * Fix download zip on Windows when `ABSPATH` contains a trailing forward slash. * Send backup email after backup completes so that fatal errors in email code don't stop the backup from completing. * Add missing / to `PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR` define. * Catch and display errors during `mysqldump`. #### 1.6.2 * Track `PHP` errors as backup warnings not errors. * Only show warning message for `PHP` errors in BackUpWordPress files. * Ability to dismiss the error / warning messages. * Disable use of `PclZip` for full archive checking for now as it causes memory issues on some large sites. * Don't delete "number of backups" setting on update. * Better handling of multibyte characters in archive and database dump filenames. * Mark backup as running and increase callback timeout to `500` when firing backup via ajax. * Don't send backup email if backup failed. * Filter out duplicate exclude rules. #### 1.6.1 * Fix fatal error on PHP =< 5.3 #### 1.6 * Fixes issue with backups dir being included in backups on some Windows Servers. * Consistent handling of symlinks across all archive methods (they are followed). * Use .htaccess rewrite cond authentication to allow for secure http downloads of backup files. * Track errors and warnings that happen during backup and expose them through admin. * Fire manual backups using ajax instead of wp-cron, `HMBKP_DISABLE_MANUAL_BACKUP_CRON` is no longer needed and has been removed. * Ability to cancel a running backup. * Zip files are now integrity checked after every backup. * More robust handling of failed / corrupt zips, backup process now fallsback through the various zip methods until one works. * Use `mysql_query` instead of the depreciated `mysql_list_tables`. #### 1.5.2 * Better handling of unreadable files in ZipArchive and the backup size calculation. * Support for wp-cli, usage: `wp backup [--files_only] [--database_only] [--path